About me

Industries & Expertise


With experience in medical academia and data, I am able to facilitate seamless IT solutions, collaboration and contributions aimed towards actionable medical results and breakthroughs within the realm of medical research.

Medical data sets are certainly not strange to me, and I am perfectly able to navigate the extreme context sensitive environment this data exists in.


While COVID-19 was raging, I honed my skills within the intricacies of a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company, during my tenure I thrived in a demanding, high pressure environment, driving efficiency to at least a factor of 90.

My proficiencies here shine in process automation, deployment automation, and  IT orchestration within a GMP environment

Law Enforcement (Be)

After my experience in the pharmaceutical industry, I took a 180° turn into the Law Enforcement sector, where I worked in a systems and network administration capacity at the behest of the Belgian Police.

In an environment where precision and reliability is non-negotiable,
my IT expertise played a pivotal role in upholding the standards of the Belgian Police.


Karel De Grote University College


Bachelor of Applied Computes Science
Minor in Systems & Network administration

Artesis Plantijn University of Applied Sciences


Graduates degree in Systems & Network administration


Computable Next generation award

Cybersec Europe - April 2023

First place in the Computable Next Generation Award, for an extraordinary educational performance in the context of cybersecurity at Karel De Grote University College

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Hack the future

Cronos Group - November 2021

First place challenge winner in the Azure Cloud Sustainability challenge (Arxus)

Student council


Student council member for the Applied Informatics track at Karel De Grote University College, Vicechairman in 2021-2022 Chairman in 2022-2023